Post Extraction After Care
Advice & Help
Here's some help and advice regarding post tooth extraction after care.
Post Extraction Advice Guide
Always remember that a clean mouth heals more rapidly than a neglected one.
Do not take alcoholic stimulants.
Rest for a few hours but do NOT lie down.
Sleep with head raised above the height of the body.
Do not be alarmed if small fragments of bone are felt because these are the edge of the socket and will be absorbed and disappear.
Some discomfort after extractions is normal and its’ intensity varies from person to person. We recommend that you take a dose of anti-inflammatory pain killers within one hour of the procedure and expect to continue these for the following 48 – 72 hours. Do not exceed the stated dose. If the pain is severe, consult us.
On the day after the extraction, a warm saline mouthwash may be used to gently bathe the wound. Do not rinse out the mouth. Take a level teaspoon of salt and add it to a glass of warm water. This may be carried out after each meal until healing is complete.
If Excessive Bleeding Occurs
Avoid all exertion.
Do not use facial packs or rinse mouth.
If there has been more than one extraction, clean the mouth with tissues and see which part of the mouth is bleeding.
Use the sterile gauze provided (or some damp cotton wool if you run out) to make a small compress, place on the bleeding point, sit up and bite on it, DO NOT LIE DOWN. Maintain this position for 10-15 minutes and repeat treatment if necessary.
Consult the surgery if excessive bleeding occurs for more than a few hours.